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Digital Nomads on the Rise

We’ve all seen them. They have made their way through our social feeds, spending each week in a different exotic location, uploading images of food we’re dying to try, overlooking views we long to see, all while getting paid. We’re talking about the illustrious digital nomad. We all know someone, or of someone, who is successfully working while traveling the world and ask ourselves how they’ve managed it.

Living anywhere in the world and working from home, or the local café in a city of your choosing, is a far-off dream for most, but more and more we are seeing this become a reality. The average person spends most of their work day at their computer and can arguably get the same amount of work done at home, or elsewhere. The programs available now also make it an easy feat to communicate when out of the office, from instant messaging services, to job performance platforms and task trackers, it’s easier than ever before to work remotely.

Most importantly, all of these programs are available with WiFi, which is now an all-encompassing part of our lives. Digital nomads living abroad get to sit at the most stunning beach café and work with a view of crashing waves and palm trees all thanks to WiFi. The culture has swapped a cubicle for a roaming laptop and they couldn’t be happier.

While not all companies have embraced the remote workforce, the ones that have cite employee happiness, a decrease in overhead costs and collaboration as some of the top reasons they chose to incorporate it. According to the Wall Street Journal, from 2012 to 2017 there was a 5% increase in people who work entirely remotely and that last year 43% of Americans had spent some time working remotely.

While working remotely is different than being a digital nomad, the increase bodes well for aspiring nomads and the global workforce. Not all industries are well equipped to manage this trend, but even the more hands-on businesses are becoming more flexible. An article published by Forbesshowed that allowing employees to work remotely increased morale, productivity and value. The study stated that a whopping 73% of remote workers are able to complete more tasks in fewer hours due to less distractions. The CoSostudy also reported 44% or remote workers having a more positive attitude and 53% reported reduced stress.

More and more people are pursuing a life where exploration and career work hand in hand. Worldwide co-working spaces and technology have expanded our borders and brought on a new wave of workers who are ready to take over traditional office settings. Looking to make the transition? Download Wifi Map today to transform any venue into your office.



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